Our Nightmare

A literary magazine by, and for, horror fans in the Twin Ports and surrounding areas.

The Nightmare

We long for great horror, and not just from movies and mainstream authors.  In our growing social circle of horror enthusiasts, we imagine a thriving community of horror story-tellers among our neighbors.  

It is our belief that providing a central platform for writers and artists to share their stories in the Twin Ports, we will find that the artful macabre oozes out of the woodwork.

We so appreciate the submissions we’ve already received.  You’ve been generous and gracious test subjects. Visual artists – we want you too.  There is a lot of room to feature original artwork throughout the website and eventually in the print editions.

Join Us

The Design

As we begin, we will feature approved submissions on the website.  As Halloween creeps closer, we will print a zine.  In the first year of existence, it is likely all stories will appear in full text in the zine.

Over time, if submissions increase, we will format the website to rotate featured stories while banishing the old, decayed stories to the cellar.  If the submissions ever get large enough to overrun a printed issue, we may have to release more than one a year.  Wouldn’t your blood just curdle for a Bat Tuesday or a Half-Halloween edition?

Our role

We are oriented toward Halloween, and as such, activity will ramp up toward the fall and ramp down a bit getting into Spring.  Our community, however, is connected year-round.  If you are reading this, that community includes you – no exceptions.  Our aim is to welcome every last person with open arms. 

If you catch us overlooking something that alienates you or anyone, please do drop us a line.  We hope that any tension can be alleviated and/or minimized to a question of the scope of content published by Twin Ports Terror.

We sincerely hope we can come together and brighten our world with some creative darkness.